House Martin (Delichon urbicus)


Common passage migrant which breeds on the works buildings at the southern entrance of the site.

Earliest: 1 on 31st March 2010.
Latest: 3 on 1st November 2012 (latest by 3 weeks).

Other arrivals:
2009: 6th April
2010: 31st March
2011: 4th April to 10th September.
2012: 9th April
2013: 10th April
2014: 19th April
2015: 16th April (last 21st September)

High counts:
150 on 23rd April 2004.
100 on 31st August 2004.
100 on 13th September 2004.
50 on 1st September 2004 (perching on wires).
100 on 2nd September 2008.
38 on 10th April 2009. (Trevor Thorpe)
300 over LR South on 13th September 2010.
150 on 12th July 2015 (James Phillips).
400+ on 21st September 2015 (Monday Morning Meanders).

2010: Birds seen collecting mud and a couple of nests at the Waterworks.
2011: Seen collecting mud (4th May)