Birds Behaving Badly

Shag (Dave Kjaer)Dunnock (Dave Kjaer)Goldfinches (Dave Kjaer)A bird’s life is never easy. There may be hard winters to endure, long journeys to make, feathers to replace and territories to defend. And, in addition to all this, there are a host of difficulties that arise, not from external forces, but from a bird’s relationships with other birds, of its own species or another. Whether it be the brutal hierarchies established in winter flocks, or the intense competition that every bird has to undertake to acquire a mate, it sometimes seems as though it would be a lot easier if other birds simply weren’t there!

This light hearted talk takes in a year in the life of a bird, starting with winter survival and tracing many different sorts of hazards and intrigues, including the complicated pairing arrangements of Dunnocks and the tangled web birds weave when they might be trying to build a nest!

Number of images: 80
Type: Powerpoint
Length: 60-80 minutes.
Suitable: Typical RSPB audience