Common Whitethroat (Sylvia communis)

Status at Longham Lakes

Common summer visitor and passage migrant.

Earliest: 5th April 2011.
Latest: 16th September 2008 and 2009.

Other arrivals:
2012: 18th April.
2013: 14th April.
2014: 15th April.
2015: 14th April.
2016: 16th April.

Migrant numbers:
10 on 16th August 2011 and 10 on 25th August 2011 (Paul Morton)

1 female seen carrying food on 25 May 2007 (Trevor Thorpe).
3 territories in the Quarry, summer 2008 (Steve Morrison).
At least 2 territories (West Fields, Longham Reservoir North) 2010.
2012: female with brood patch caught in ringing nets on 27th June.
2013: Brood of fledged young, 10th June.
2016: 13 territories were located in scrub (including 2 in the newly planted areas on the south‐east
side of the lake) and hedgerow (Steve Morrison).

2011: 27 ringed between 10th May and 15th September, with 8 on July 11th. (Roger Peart).
2012: 18 ringed between May and September.
2013: 16 ringed between May and September.
2014: 6 ringed between May and July.