Mistle Thrush (Turdus viscivorus)

Status at Longham Lakes

Breeds very close by but is bafflingly scarce on site.

All records:
1. 2 on 13th October 2004.
2. 2 west on 7th October 2005.
3. 1 on 13th November 2005.
4. 2 on 3rd December 2005, then 3 on 7th.
5. 1 on 2nd January-21st Jan and 31st March 2006.
6. 1 on 11th April 2006 (Longham Lodge).
7. 1 on 17th April 2007. (5-7 = Present on site in breeding season).
8. 3 on 10th October 2007.
9. 1 on 17th December 2007.
10. 1 on 15th January 2008.
11. 3 on 22nd July 2008 (Trevor Thorpe)
12. Up to 3 present, January 2009.
13. 1 singing on 4th March 2009.
14. 1 present on 19th and 26th October 2009. 1 singing on 17th October.
15. 1 present January-April 2010.
16. 1 on 26th November 2010.
17. 1 on 30th December 2010 (Ray Gleason).
18. 1 on 8th and 10th September on the South Side, then heard on 14th October.
19. 1 on 8th December 2011.
20. 1 on the grass by LR North, 12th May 2012.
21. 1 on 1st December 2012 (DC).
22. 1 on 3rd December 2012, along Green Lane (CP), then undoubtedly the same on 13th December.

2016: 1 on 11th February, 1 on 8th April and 1 on 13th May.

Evidence of breeding:
2010: 1 singing male (Emily’s Wood)
2011: 1 singing male (Longham Lodge)
2014: 1 singing on 29th January (Emily’s Wood) and seen on 31st March and 3rd April.
2015: 1 on 20th January (Trevor Wilkinson).