Little Grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis)

Status at Longham Lakes

A common resident in small numbers, with sporadic breeding.

1. Adults with 2 chicks, 18th August 2004.
2. Juveniles noted on 1st September 2005.
3. 1 immature on Longham Reservoir North, 15th August 2006.
4. At least 2 pairs, 1 on LR South and one on the small pond at the south end, each with 2 chicks (16th August 2011). Pair with 3 chicks on 6th August (Trevor Thorpe).

2012: A pair with 3 chicks on lagoon at south end (Chris Parnell) on 4th August, still present on 28th.
2013: Bird on nest on 29th July (near island in LR South). 3 well grown young on LR South on 4th September (2+1, quite well separated).
2014: Adults with 1 chick on 15th August (Trevor Wilkinson) and subsequently into September.
2015: 1-2 pairs present in the breeding season. No young seen but fledged birds were seen on 4th September (possibly wandered from elsewhere).


Most of these are Wetland Bird Survey (WEBs) counts organised by the BTO and carried out by Trevor Thorpe and Robin Trundle. Many thanks to the counters.

Maximum numbers per month: